Frank Ocean but Christian | 6 songs from my playlist
6 Songs for the Christian Frank Ocean Fans
A little while back, I created a playlist of Christian alternative/R&B music for a friend who loves Frank Ocean. Here are a few songs from that playlist.
1. FOR U — Ryan Ellis & Isla Vista Worship
It is nice to see Ryan Ellis come down from his mainstream cool kids' table to make a vibe with his friends at Isla Vista again. I love this version of Ryan Ellis with the Lofi skater vibes, not flexing too much with the vocals. I hope this means we get a whole album with him and the gang again.
2. Attached — Lani Rose
If we were talking about the next wave of alt-Christian music space, Lani Rose is that guy. Being let down by organized Christianity is not new material, but it is nice to hear a fresh voice present the concepts in this way. I think the name of his full-length will be Church Hurt. So, he’s going for it.
3. Bon Iverre — Xavier Omar
Here is one example of Omar's exceptional songwriting showcases his ability to express his faith and address life's anxieties. While he may not prefer being put in the same conversation as Frank Ocean, as it was the bane of his career in his early days as a Christian artist, who is an OG in his own right. it makes it hard to have a conversation like this and not include his name.
4. Wallflower — Jon Joseph
This is a song that I keep coming back to full stop i do enjoy it a lot. I like the low tone and smooth rock influence that Joseph is bringing. He does not have much music out. But I would like to hear more from him. This is from his Wallflower EP.
5. lose myself to find You — Haynza
OOOOwweeee. Those off-kilter harmonies hit a little differently. This song has an interesting crazy rock breakdown towards the latter part of it that I think is fun and unique. I would like to see this artist cultivate more sounds in the future.
6. Only Jesus — Jeremiah Paltan
Do you want to take your skateboard and ride down the sidewalk as the sun goes down? Here is a song to do that to.